Orginal Spare parts service locator - Electrolux Professional
Shop online spare parts Original home and Professional Electrolux
Easiest way to find a product
All Electrolux appliances has a product number (PNC) that you will find on the rating plate. Search for this number and you’ll get spares and accessories that will match your appliance.
Easiest way to find a product
All Electrolux appliances has a product number (PNC) that you will find on the rating plate. Search for this number and you’ll get spares and accessories that will match your appliance.
Spare parts service locator
Your satisfaction is our satisfaction.
Anything you need is always availables.
More than 55.000 spare parts available thanks to an extensive Customer Care global network of over 2200 authorized technical experts.
We stock spare parts of your equipment for at least 40 years from its end of production. Present in more than 149 countries, our service partners are able to dispatch worldwide spare parts easily and quickly.
Contact the nearest partner of Electrolux of Macedonia
The heart of customer service
Essentia elevates Customer Care to a new level. A dedicated service that becomes foremost for your competitive advantage.
From the moment of installation to the end of any equipment life time, we stand ready with comprehensive maintenance agreements based on our extensive knowledge, heritage and many years of designing kitchen, laundry and beverage equipment.
Discover Mariovo
Providing you with the support you need, taking care of your processes with a reliable service network, a range of tailored-made exclusive services and an innovative technology.
Service agreements
Choose from flexible and tailor-made packages.
Reduce your business downtime, maintaining top operating performances.
Service agreements
You can trust
Electrolux Professional Customer Care offers a number of tailor-made service agreement packages, designed according to our product manuals, designed to maintain the performance, availability and safety of your equipment, maximizing lifetime and profitability.
Base Service Package
Base Care, included with all registered products providing you with help to resolve less critical issues, with email and telephone support during working office hours, access to a global spare parts inventory and escalation to our comprehensive field service network.
Service agreements packages (*)
(*) Subject to local availability
Elevate your standards
Reduce unplanned downtime, maintain warranty conditions and optimal operating performances.
Even more for you
Extend the warranty on spares or labour costs with faster reactive field interventions and an added discount on Accessories & Consumables.
Peace of mind assured
Provide a fully inclusive program of maintenance and services at a fixed price.
Join our Service agreements packages
Electrolux Repair Service
There are good reasons why Electrolux has grown in recent years into one of the industry’s best appliance manufacturer’s. Even their high-quality models can break down though. That’s why it’s important to find reliable Electrolux repair in your area.
Luckily for you, you’ve already found the Macedonia leaders in Electrolux appliance repair, Palenzo Appliance Service! Our service technicians are trained and certified to work on the brand’s entire line of kitchen and laundry appliances. No matter if your Electrolux dryer won’t start or you have an Electrolux dishwasher leaking water, call now.
We’ll send one of our repair experts to your home to diagnose and fix the malfunction in no time. For the area’s most dependable service for your Electrolux repair, call us today.
Why Choose Palenzo Appliance Service for Your Electrolux Appliance Repair?
Here at Palenzo Appliance Service, we’ve built a reputation for fixing appliances quickly along with great customer service. You’ll be so impressed with our Electrolux repair service that you’ll never call any other company for your appliance needs. We guarantee:
• Experience: Palenzo Appliance Service has been serving the Macedonia, NC area for 40 years
• Factory Authorized Certified Technicians with training specifically on Electrolux appliances
• Technicians that are professional and courteous, arrive in uniform, and will respect and protect your property and home
Macedonia: Electrolux Appliance Repair
Palenzo Appliance Service provides appliance repair in Southern Pines, NC, for Electrolux appliances. Electrolux appliances we service include:
• Electrolux Dishwasher Repair
• Electrolux Front Load Washer Repair
• Electrolux Washing Machine Repair
• Electrolux Dryer Repair
• Electrolux Refrigerator Repair
• Electrolux Freezer Repair
• Electrolux Ice Maker Repair
• Electrolux Microwave Repair
• Electrolux Range and Oven Repair
• Electrolux Stove Repair
• Electrolux Wall Oven Repair
• Electrolux Cooktop Repair
Common Problems with Electrolux Washer and Electrolux Front Load Washer:
• Electrolux Washer leaking
• Electrolux Washer not spinning
• Electrolux Washer not draining
• Electrolux Washer no power
• Electrolux Washer moving, vibrating, too noisy
Common Problems with Electrolux Dryer:
• Electrolux Dryer not drying
• Electrolux Dryer not heating
• Electrolux Dryer drum not turning
• Electrolux Dryer no power
Common Problems with Electrolux Dishwasher:
• Electrolux Dishwasher not cleaning dishes
• Electrolux Dishwasher not draining
• Electrolux Dishwasher not filling with water
• Electrolux Dishwasher not dispensing soap
Common Problems with Electrolux Refrigerator:
• Electrolux Refrigerator not cooling
• Electrolux Refrigerator not freezing
• Electrolux Refrigerator not making ice
• Electrolux Refrigerator not dispensing water
• Electrolux Refrigerator freezer frosting over
• Electrolux Refrigerator leaking
• Electrolux Ice Maker not making ice
Common Problems with Electrolux Microwave:
• Electrolux Microwave not heating
• Electrolux Microwave turntable not working
• Electrolux Microwave no power
Common Problems with Electrolux Range, Electrolux Oven, and Electrolux Stove:
• Electrolux Oven Range Stove not heating
• Electrolux Oven Range Stove burners not working
• Electrolux Oven Range Stove element not working
• Electrolux Oven Range Stove timer not working
• Electrolux Cooktop not heating
• Electrolux Cooktop cracking
• Electrolux Cooktop burners not working
Increase your revenue from Spare Parts and Services!
Turn existing parts catalogs into clickable parts finders
Add to your webshop, service portal or anything else with parts in an online world
Why do I need in my Webshop or Service Portal?
Electrolux and Eurolux is a multinational company which was founded in 1984. The company is a distributor of accessories and spare parts for professional catering equipment, bars, and the domestic sector. Electrolux and Eurolux has been part of the Electrolux and Eurolux since 2005 and our headquarters are in Bitola and Skopje , Macedonia.
Thanks to its wide range of products, with a high-stock rate, a state-of-the-art logistics system, a modern web shop, and a high level of service, Electrolux and Eurolux is able to process orders received by 2.00 pm on the same day.
The offer is divided into accessories and spare parts for Cooking, Coffee & Vending, Refrigeration and Household and includes 6,000,000 items in the database, 63,000 of which are always in stock. The product range is constantly being extended, both in terms of brands and product families.
The logistics center, with an area of 5,780 sqm, is equipped with 8 automated stacker cranes and is managed by integrated software. This enables automatic picking of articles and the updating of the web shop in real time.
The technical assistance service is staffed by professionals with in-depth expertise in the world of spare parts. This provides specialized support in choosing the right spare part for each piece of equipment, enabling service centers to respond quickly to their customers' needs.
Electrolux and Eurolux is present with a global sales network of distributor-partners and authorized points of sale not only in Italy but also e.g. in Macedonia ,Srbija,Great Britain, the Greece Albanija, and the United States. Electrolux and Eurolux is part of a global network, in order to offer an increasingly widespread distribution of spare parts.
A truly successful Commerce platform is the heart of your ecosystem. , creates and links clickable drawings to all your relevant, web-based systems: internal and external.
Whether it concerns your Webshop, the Service portal for technicians, or a Help system for all your end users.
Offer your visitors the certainty of selecting the right parts
Selecting the correct part from a drawing – such as an exploded view – is much easier than selecting from a list of photos or a list of part numbers. Not to mention entering a multi-character part number into a search system.
With spare, your visitors click through drawings while additional part information is displayed. This gives them maximum certainty when ordering or requesting information for the right parts.
Reduce returned orders
Research shows that a quarter of all returned products are due to incorrectly chosen products. Wrong, because products are not adequately shown, in lists with only photos, or only lists with product numbers and a brief description. By using original parts drawings, you make it a lot easier for the visitor to make the right choice. If these parts also become clickable, this will result in fewer incorrect orders.
Saving costs
It is well known that the greatest cost savings can be achieved by reducing the number of incorrectly selected parts. The costs of the logistics and workflow involved in a return shipment are enormous. Who doesn’t want to bring costs down? Make sure the correct parts are selected!
Increase conversion
Increase your conversion rate effectively because visitors choose your Webshop as their preferred shop. Returning visitors are good for better scores, more mouth to mouth advertising and even more exposure.
Increase profit
More profit is made by reducing the cost of returned products. In addition, a good and simple selection system contributes to the pleasure and convenience that your visitors experience. A Webshop or Service Portal that users like to visit automatically attracts more customers. More customers, more sales, more profit.
Сепак, дури и нивните високо квалитетни модели можат да се расипат. Затоа е важно да најдете сигурна поправка на Electrolux во вашата област. За ваша среќа, веќе ги најдовте лидерите на Македонија во поправка на апарати Electrolux, Palenzo Appliance Service! Нашите сервисни техничари се обучени и сертифицирани да работат на целата линија на кујнски апарати и апарати за перење на брендот. Без разлика дали вашата машина за сушење Electrolux се вклучиваат во сервисирање или ако во машината за миење садови Electrolux тече вода, јавете се веднаш. Ќе испратиме еден од нашите експерти за поправка во вашиот дом за да го дијагностицира и поправи дефектот за кратко време. За најсигурната услуга во областа за вашата поправка на Electrolux, јавете ни се денес. Зошто да ја изберете услугата за поправка на апаратот за поправка на вашиот апарат во сервиот Electrolux? Овде, во Palenzo Appliance Service, изградивме репутација за брзо поправка на апарати заедно со одлична услуга за клиентите. Ќе бидете толку импресионирани од нашата услуга за поправка на Electrolux што никогаш нема да повикате друга компанија за вашите потреби на апаратот. Ние гарантираме: • Искуство: Palenzo Appliance Service служи во областа Македонија, NC веќе 40 години • Фабрички овластени овластени техничари со обука специјално за апарати Electrolux • Техничари кои се професионални и љубезни, пристигнуваат во униформа и ќе го почитуваат и штитат вашиот имот и дом во Мекедонија : Поправка на апарати на Electrolux Palenzo Appliance Service обезбедува поправка на апарати во Macedonia, NC, за уредите Electrolux. Електролукс апаратите што ги сервисираме вклучуваат: • Поправка на машина за миење садови Electrolux • Поправка на мијалник со предно полнење на Electrolux • Поправка на машина за перење Electrolux • Поправка на фен Electrolux • Поправка на фрижидери Electrolux • Поправка на замрзнувач Electrolux • Поправка на производителот мраз Electrolux • Поправка на микробранова печка Electrolux • Поправка на опсег и рерна на Electrolux • Поправка на шпорет Electrolux • Поправка на ѕидна печка Electrolux • Поправка на плочата за готвење Electrolux Вообичаени проблеми со мијалникот Electrolux и предното оптоварување на Electrolux: • Електролукс мијалник протекува • Electrolux Washer не се врти • Електролукс мијалникот не цеди • Electrolux Washer без струја • Electrolux Washer се движи, вибрира, премногу бучна Вообичаени проблеми со фен Electrolux: • Electrolux Сушачот не се суши • Electrolux Сушачот не загрева • Не се врти барабанот за сушење на Electrolux • Electrolux Фен без струја Вообичаени проблеми со машината за миење садови Electrolux: • Electrolux машина за миење садови не чисти садови • Electrolux машината за миење садови не испушта вода • Electrolux машината за миење садови не се полни со вода • Електролукс Машината за миење садови не издава сапун Вообичаени проблеми со фрижидерот Electrolux: • Фрижидерот Electrolux не се лади • Фрижидерот Electrolux не замрзнува • Фрижидерот Electrolux не прави мраз • Фрижидерот Electrolux не испушта вода • Замрзнувачот на Electrolux Фрижидер се замрзна • Фрижидерот Electrolux протекува • Electrolux Ice Maker не прави мраз Вообичаени проблеми со микробрановата печка Electrolux: • Електролукс микробранова печка не се загрева • Електролукс грамофонот за микробранова печка не работи • Микробранова печка Electrolux без струја Вообичаени проблеми со опсегот на Electrolux, рерната Electrolux и шпоретот Electrolux: • Електролукс шпоретот не се загрева • Пламениците на шпоретот со опсег на рерна Electrolux не работат • Елементот на шпоретот со опсег на рерна Electrolux не работи • Не работи тајмерот за шпорет на опсегот на рерната Electrolux • Електролукс плочата за готвење не се загрева • Пукнатина на плочата за готвење Electrolux • Не работат пламениците на Electrolux
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Phone Factory Frinko Electrolux: +389 (0) 47 203 330 +389 (0) 2 322 5 230
Electrolux Macedonia.Street Brakja Mingovi 18 PO Box 52
7000 Bitola North Macedonia